Thursday, July 4, 2013

Creative Commons - Reflections on copyright, fair use - Activity 11

Oops! I am sure I have not always followed correct practice for using internet material, or properly informed my students of how to use it.  I hopefully was covered most of the time in the past by fair use and educational use because the material was not openly posted on the web, but what if we openly blog, or Google+, or create Weebly web pages?  I need to follow and teach proper copyright, fair use policies.  The creative commons site was great!  I had no idea! Now I can search and use material properly and feel more confident if the work is displayed online. I'm glad the creative commons quiz, did not involve questions about my past use of internet material!  I did get a 10/10. 

One thing that also struck me while learning more about copyright was ownership of material.  Do I own my own lesson plans, or does district 113?  I always assumed I did- but now I am not sure. 


  1. In my former District, they owned anything produced on District owned devices. So, unless you ALWAYS use your home computer while creating lesson plans, and ALWAYS use your free time, not school time, they are probably owned by D113. I'm not the expert on that, but this has been my experience.

  2. I, too, wonder who owns the lesson plans or more importantly the labs and materials that have been edited and shared and reflected upon over the years. It seems like it would be very difficult to properly give credit to all who is due. And if the district owns the materials, should they require us to submit for copyright? Seems like more work, and which version do you protect, the original or all of the others forms that have evolved throughout the years?? so many questions after exploring creative commons!
